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Canadian Church Leaders Speak Out on Vision

  • Who’s responsible for vision in the church?

  • How do you create and communicate vision?

  • What difference does vision make?

Through a recent national study, 227 church leaders revealed their perspective on how they see vision in ministry today. This study was done by the Church Engagement team at World Vision Canada last fall. Let’s take a closer look at the responses to each of these 3 questions.

Leaders cast vision: 63% of respondents believe it’s the role of leadership (pastoral staff and board) to create the vision statement. However there is a difference of opinion based on denominations.

Mainline denominations believe it’s primarily the role of the congregation to develop the vision whereas evangelical denominations place emphasis on the role of church leadership.

Either way, the important thing is to have as wide spread ownership of the vision by as many as possible. How have you worked with your leaders and your people in creating vision?

Create then communicate: 41% of leaders identify creating a compelling vision statement and communicating that vision as the most challenging steps in the process of creating vision and strategy.

Getting your message heard is always a challenge for leaders. The more channels of communication both formal and informal that can be used the better.

How well articulated is your vision? How many channels of communication do you use? What others might be considered?

Walking the talk: 72% of leaders say their day-to-day church ministry is moderately or extremely aligned with their church vision. This suggests that vision statements are an effective tool for focusing ministry and mission.

It’s important to recognize that the greater the alignment of each facet of ministry, the greater the likelihood that your church vision will be achieved. How do you work to bring about alignment in your ministry?

Daring to Dream: I believe vision is all about tapping into the potential and the dreams that God has given you, as a church leader, to make a difference in the world through the mission of your local church.

People tend to rally around a leader who has a clear sense of purpose and direction. Vision is very motivating. It gives meaning and significance to why you exist. It provides a clear sense of direction.

Vision gives you the opportunity to bring about changed lives and make a difference for the sake of the Kingdom. As a church, you have the potential ability to become an invaluable neighbour in your community.

My prayer is that these findings may spark a conversation around vision for ministry that might inspire some new creative thinking around how we do effective and vibrant ministry today.

More findings from this study on Vision & Strategy are available on the World Vision Church Engagement website:

*The above mentioned study was prepared for the Annual Church Leaders Forums currently being held entitled, “Cultivating a Culture of Dare: Ministry Vision and Strategy” being hosted in 12 major cities across Canada. The World Vision Canada Church Engagement (NCE) team aims to work alongside churches equipping and encouraging them to live out God’s mission to serve those living in poverty and with injustice.

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