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Flourishing Update - November 22, 2023

Presence-Centered Sacraments

Sara Maynard, National Prayer Leader, Emmaus Road Anglican Church, Langley

Check out this short 5-minute video, the last in our video series, on

Presence-Centered Sacraments.


Recommended Resources

Spirit and Sacrament by pastor and author Andrew Wilson is an impassioned call to join together two traditions that are frequently and unnecessarily kept separate. It is an invitation to pursue the best of both worlds in worship, the Eucharistic and the charismatic, with the grace of God at the centre.

Evangelical. Sacramental. Pentecostal. Christian communities tend to identify with one of these labels over the other two. Evangelical churches emphasize the importance of Scripture and preaching. Sacramental churches emphasize the importance of the eucharistic table. And Pentecostal churches emphasize the immediate presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But must we choose between them? Could the church be all three?


Save the Date!

We are excited to announce that we have an upcoming Flourishing Congregations Institute event called "The Stories We Tell" featuring four new case studies, taking place at Tyndale University and online. This event is in partnership with the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre.

Further information will be shared in a special newsletter. We hope that you will join us on Saturday, January 13, 2024 from 10 - 11:30 am Eastern time.


Survey Opportunity

You are invited to participate in a research project entitled:

Hosted by Dr. Margaret Clarke, Assistant Professor, Briercrest Seminary and Dr. Marcus N. Tanner, Faculty, Abilene Christian University

The goal in the study is to understand more about the ministry experiences that clergy and spouses find adverse and traumatic and what the trajectory of recovery of such experiences is like. The study will be mixed methods beginning with a survey of US and Canadian clergy and spouses, followed by some interviews for more in-depth exploration. The survey has undergone ethics review and received approval from both educational institutions, and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. For more information, visit the Clergy Resource Group.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner to expand the knowledge related to clergy and clergy spouse wellbeing.


Upcoming Events

Understanding Generation Alpha

November 22, 2023 | 4 - 5 pm Pacific

Virtual | Free

Research is beginning to emerge on Generation Alpha, those born between 2010 and 2024. They are expected to be the most global, tech-savvy, educated generation in human history and will soon outnumber baby boomers globally. Join Mark McCrindle as he shares his findings on the next generation. Mark is a futurist and social demographer whose passions lie in tracking social trends, communicating insights and generational analysis. In addition to being the author of five books, Mark coined the term Generation Alpha.


Integration: Christ in the Everyday

November 23, 2023 | 8 - 10 pm Eastern

Virtual | Cost: $45 CAD

Join a 2-hour workshop which will present a framework for bringing multi-dimensional human experiences into formal theological reflection. Broadly speaking, integration is the practice of bringing different parts into a peaceful relationship with one another, allowing difference and distinction to co-exist and dialogue together within a greater whole. An integrative approach to theology navigates the conflict and uncertainty that arise between our pre-existing or inherited theological commitments and the new perspectives and experiences we encounter. Select the session that best works for you.


What It Means for Us to Participate in the Work of Reconciliation

November 23, 2023 | 6:30 - 7:45 pm Mountain

Virtual | Free

Dr. Singh’s teaching and research interests derive from over fifteen years of involvement in international development work. Join Dr. Singh in this lecture as she is interested in how the voices of marginalized and vulnerable populations are represented and incorporated into effective strategies to fight against social injustices. Critical to this is the capacity of faith communities to hear these voices and be mobilized into preventative and responsive strategies that honour and work alongside the voiceless.


Creed and Confessions: What is the Role of a Statement of Faith?

November 28, 2023 | 1:00 pm Mountain

Virtual | Free

Join us in hearing from Sherri Guenther Trautwein, Lead Pastor of Lendrum Mennonite Church, Edmonton, AB. She is currently completing her PhD at the University of Toronto and recently wrote an article in Direction Journal called "The MB Confession of Faith as Product or Process: Which Is It?" Jon Coutts will also be speaking; pastoring in the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination before completing a PhD in Aberdeen, he now teaches systematic and pastoral theology at Ambrose University. He will be sharing a chapter of a forthcoming book published by New Leaf Press.


Giving Generously: Developing a Culture of Stewardship

December 12, 2023 | 1:00 pm Eastern

Virtual | Free

Parishes want to develop a culture of giving and stewardship, however, conversations about money and tithing can be uncomfortable. How can these delicate topics be used to share a mission and vision? Parishes need financial giving to be fruitful for ministry, but leaders struggle to communicate why it's important for the spiritual life of the disciple.

Join Divine Renovation for December's From the Trenches event, where they will offer support in having these mission-critical conversations about giving in your parish.


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