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Flourishing Update - December 20, 2023

In celebration of the Advent season, we would like to share some of your favourite videos from our YouTube channel that may be meaningful to you during this time. Please enjoy and feel free to share with others.


From the Flourishing Congregations Institute, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

The Embrace of Abundance Amidst the Fiction of Scarcity

Dr. Walter Brueggemann, Emeritus Professor, Columbia Theological Seminary

Check out this short 5-minute video as part of our video series on Derek Cook's book,

The ART of Hope: Healing a Wounded City.


Recommended Resource

Journey to the Common Good: Updated Edition

By Dr. Walter Brueggemann


Published originally in 2010, Journey to the Common Good spoke to an era defined in large part by America's efforts to rebuild from an age of terror as it navigated its way through an economic collapse. Today, the dual crises of the coronavirus and the disease of racial injustice present daunting new challenges for the church as it seeks the good of its neighbors. In a new introduction to this updated edition, Brueggemann links the wilderness tradition of Exodus to these current crises, as a framework to help the church navigate this time of risk and vulnerability and to pursue a genuine social alternative to the governance of Pharaoh. The answer to the question of the church's role in society is the same answer God gave to the Israelites thousands of years ago: love your neighbor and work for the common good.


Please Join Us!

We are excited to invite you to "The Stories We Tell" event featuring four new case studies, taking place at Tyndale University and online. This event is in partnership with the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre. Bring a friend, share with others in your church and denominational network, and register today.


We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 13, 2024 from 10 - 11:30 am Eastern time.


Survey Opportunity

You are invited to participate in a research project entitled:

Hosted by Dr. Margaret Clarke, Assistant Professor, Briercrest Seminary and Dr. Marcus N. Tanner, Faculty, Abilene Christian University

The goal in the study is to understand more about the ministry experiences that clergy and spouses find adverse and traumatic and what the trajectory of recovery of such experiences is like. The study will be mixed methods beginning with a survey of US and Canadian clergy and spouses, followed by some interviews for more in-depth exploration. The survey has undergone ethics review and received approval from both educational institutions, and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. For more information, visit the Clergy Resource Group.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner to expand the knowledge related to clergy and clergy spouse wellbeing.


Upcoming Events

The Music Ministry Dilemma: How to Raise Leaders Without Lowering the Bar

January 9, 2024 | 1:00 pm Eastern

Virtual | Free

Music ministry leaders play a significant role in a missional parish. Through their gifts, they can inspire faith by helping people express the devotion and love they have for Jesus. But the reality is, there’s a familiar problem many music ministry leaders face in relying on select musicians who offer excellence or developing musicians and lowering the bar with it.


Join Divine Renovation's From the Trenches event, where they will talk about building an inspiring music ministry, what excellent music looks like in a parish, and how to invest in developing musicians without lowering the bar.


Advance Evangelists Summit

February 20-22, 2024

Calgary, AB | $25 (Pre-Conference), $125-$175 (Conference)

Bring your team and friends who have a heart for making Jesus known. Leaders and evangelists from across Canada will gather to fan the flames of evangelism. If you want to cultivate a culture of evangelism in your congregation, don't miss this Summit.


This special time of encouragement and equipping under the theme of “Fan the Flame” will launch the Advance Canadian Evangelists Network as an expression of the Global Network of Evangelists.


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