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Flourishing Update - February 8, 2024

Leadership: Vision, Priorities, People

Fr. Simon Lobo

Pastor, Saint Benedict Parish

Check out this short 5-minute video as part of our next video series.


Featured Resource

The Multiplication Effect: Building a Leadership Pipeline that Solves Your Leadership Shortage

Mac Lake

Most pastors say that the need to identify and develop leaders is critical to the health and growth of their church, yet most churches do not have an intentional plan for doing this. In The Multiplication Effect, Mac Lake reveals his practical, biblical, and proven strategy for addressing this leadership shortage and equipping future leaders to fulfill their kingdom mission.

Learn how to lead like Jesus and create a culture of multiplying leaders to expand God’s work in your community and beyond.


Survey Opportunity


Are you involved in some form of paid or voluntary congregational/parish leadership in Canada? Please take up to 10 minutes to complete a survey on sharing faith in Canada.


Click below for more details and to complete the survey, and help us by spreading the word!


Survey Opportunity


The Flourishing Congregations Institute has partnered with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries on a national survey that explores mental health and illness in Canadian congregations. Would you consider sharing this survey with those in your network, notably pastors to share with their congregations for congregants to complete, and denominational leaders to send out to churches in their districts? You could also consider taking 10-15 minutes yourself to complete the confidential/anonymous survey. For more information, visit the SMHM Survey Resource Page.


The Stories We Tell

Unable to attend our recent "Stories We Tell" event? Join researchers and church leaders in interacting with recent research findings from four congregational case studies across Canada.

Immerse yourself in compelling narratives and enduring moments through the event videos available on our website. We appreciate your continued engagement and eagerly anticipate sharing more meaningful stories in the future.


Upcoming Events

Missional Engine Failure: 3 Alpha Breakdowns in a Parish

February 13, 2024 | 10 am PT

Virtual | Free


Parish leaders want to use Alpha as a tool for bringing more people to Jesus and growing disciples. Alpha can be the engine that drives our missional energy in a parish, but there are some things we can do to unintentionally cause "missional engine failure." This makes re-launching or starting Alpha without repeating past mistakes tricky. Divine Renovation is here to help! Join the next From the Trenches online event to learn best practices with Alpha and how to use it in your overall mission of helping others encounter the Holy Spirit while improving the parish culture, and nurturing new leaders.


Advance Evangelists Summit

February 20-22, 2024

Calgary, AB | $25 (Pre-Conference), $125-$175 (Conference)

Bring your team and friends who have a heart for making Jesus known. Leaders and evangelists from across Canada will gather to fan the flames of evangelism. If you want to cultivate a culture of evangelism in your congregation, don't miss this Summit.


This special time of encouragement and equipping under the theme of “Fan the Flame” will launch the Advance Canadian Evangelists Network as an expression of the Global Network of Evangelists.


2024 Pastor's Conference

March 13-14, 2024 | 8:30 am - 5:30 pm MT

Ambrose University and Virtual | $59 (early bird) - $89 

Ambrose Pastors Conference is an annual gathering designed to empower and uplift those in pastoral ministry. At Ambrose, they appreciate the courage and care it takes to lead in the world of pastoral ministry. That's why their theme for this year is "Handle with Care," an exploration of navigating the demands of ministry.


Whether you choose to join in person or connect online, Ambrose is excited to have you attend. They hope that you will join them for what is sure to be a insightful and inspiring event.


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